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World Quizzing Ranking

Postitatud: 28.02.2012, 19:55
Postitas arko
Inglaste intsiatiivil on käima lükatud uus üleilmne sari, milles saab osaleda ning teenida maailmaränkingu punkte. 100 küsimusega mängud leiavad aset kord kuus ning osalejad saavad nädala jooksul valida, kus ja kuidas kokku saada ning läbi mängida. Täpsem info on inglise keeles allpool.
Esimene mäng on käimas juba sel nädalal, skoorid tuleb ära saata tulevaks esmaspäevaks. Edasine ajakava on samuti allpool olemas. Väike tasu iga osaleja pealt käib asja juurde.

Kas ja kui palju on huvilisi? Neid mänge saaks läbi viia nii teiste kilvaürituste külge poogituna kui eraldi, näiteks Tallinnas või Tartus mõnesse kõrtsi kogunedes.

We have been looking for ways to encourage more people to get involved with competitive quizzes and to give national IQA-affiliated quiz organizations ready access to good quality questions without the time and effort involved in writing them. We’ve seen how popular the World Quizzing Championships are and we are keen to help quiz organizations get established around the world and so we thought it would be fun to get quizzers to take part in a competition once a month for World Quizzing Rankings points.

To this end, we have developed the Hot 100 – a 100 question quiz with an international flavour.

Here's How It Works

The British Quiz Association produces a quiz of 240 questions for its members every month. The Hot 100 will be picked from this paper and will be sent to participating IQA representatives.

The Hot 100 paper is a written test that will take 45 minutes to complete (or 50 minutes if English is not your first language). The answers will be read out at the end and the scores collected and emailed over to hot100@quizzing.co.uk for entry into the World Quizzing Rankings leader board.

The Hot 100 paper will be sent out via email on a Tuesday evening to national organizers who can arrange for people sit the paper on the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday afterwards, as long as the results are received by 10pm GMT on the following Monday.

Here’s the schedule of planned events, to help you arrange your quizzes:

Hot 100 Sent Out / Scores received by

Tuesday 28 February
Monday 5 March

Tuesday 27 March
Monday 2 April

Tuesday 1 May
Monday 7 May

June : Different Rules Apply For World Quizzing Championships

Tuesday 3 July
Monday 9 July

Tuesday 31 July
Monday 6 August

Tuesday 28 August
Monday 3 September

IMPORTANT: Because people are sitting the paper on different days, we ask that you do NOT discuss them online before the stats are published. When the stats go live, we will open a thread for discussing that month's quiz. Please make sure your participants are aware of this so they don’t spoil the quiz for anyone else.

Event Ranking Points
The highest scoring person(s) is considered to have 100 points. Everyone else's scores are then worked out as a percentage of the highest score to give their rankings points. So, if the highest score was 70 and I scored 35, I'd have 50 points because I scored 50% of the winning score.

Scoring Average
This is like a batting average in cricket or baseball and represents your percentage of correct answers from all the questions you have ever attempted.

The season will run from March - February. At the end of the season, the Cumulative World Ranking Points (only) will return to zero.

World Quizzing Championships
Because this event is held simultaneously around the world, there will be no separate Hot 100 paper. Instead, the top score will be considered the base score of 100 and all scores below that will be given a score as a percentage of the winning score. So, if the highest score is 200 and your score was 150, your rankings points will be 75 because you scored 75% of the winning total.

Can People Play At Home?

Yes. We welcome people taking part. The more the merrier. But they will be playing along for fun. You need to be at a proctored event for your score to be added to the official leader board.

Sample Hot 100 Paper

There is a sample paper available on the Quizzing.co.uk website at: http://quizzing.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=143

Re: World Quizzing Ranking

Postitatud: 28.02.2012, 21:44
Postitas his master's voice
Huvi on, ent peamiselt nendel stammkäijatel, kes käivad EM-il. Küsimuseks jääb mängijate kokkuajamine (kuigi tekst räägib, et saab ka kodus mängida - tundub hea mõte). Teine probleem on BQA initsiatiiv, mis tähendab hoolimata rahvusvahelistest küsimustest Briti GP taolisi tasakaalustamata mänge. Aga müts maha nende ees, ikkagi initsiaatorid.

P.S. Kui rahvast kuhugi mängukohta kokku ei tule, võid mulle meilitsi saata. Teen kodus ära ja saadan tulemuse sulle.

Re: World Quizzing Ranking

Postitatud: 28.02.2012, 22:05
Postitas arko
Kodus tegemisel on see häda, et seda tulemust ei saa rankingusse saata, aga raha kasseeritakse ikka :)

Re: World Quizzing Ranking

Postitatud: 28.02.2012, 22:35
Postitas polt
Ma lihtsalt huvi pärast küsin-mida te nende rankingupunktidega pärast peale hakkate?
Ku mänimise eest nagunii maksta tuleb pole ju mingit vahet kas saate need punktid ja mängite kõrtsis või ei saa neid punkte ja mängite kodus?

Re: World Quizzing Ranking

Postitatud: 29.02.2012, 18:34
Postitas arko
Niisiis. On veel huvilisi?
Ma pole kindel, kas seekord seda asja koosistumisena teha saab, sest ma ei ole Eestis. Või muidugi, kui on piisavalt huvilisi ja mõni vabatahtlik läbiviija, siis küll.

Re: World Quizzing Ranking

Postitatud: 19.03.2012, 09:56
Postitas arko
Järgmine Hot 100 mäng on järgmisel nädalal. Kas seekord on huvilisi? Ehk siduda see kuidagi Norra GPga
