6. leht 6-st

Postitatud: 18.10.2005, 14:38
Postitas Prodigy
I recently learned that there will be no Dutch team competing in the EC, because they waited too long with reserving their flights and now those flights have become too expensive for them :roll: thus confirming the cliché that Dutch are cheap :oops: :D .

Anyhow, since it looks that I'll be the only Dutchman there, I had hoped to form a 'rest of Europe' team with other people that are the sole representatives of their country, for instance Dorjana Sirola of Croatia.

Are there any for instance Estonian quizzers of Russian descent who would like to team up with us?

Postitatud: 19.10.2005, 00:55
Postitas Wise Old Owls
I know for sure Dorjana is keen to play in a 'Rest of Europe' side. Let's hope we can find 2 people with parents or grandparents of other nation birthright willing to join you! Also, and putting my IQA organiser's hat on for a moment, I don't see that playing for a 'Rest of Europe' side on such terms would prevent anyone from playing for their real 'home' nation in the future.

By the way 'Prodigy', I notice also that easyJet flights from London Stanstead to Tallinn (return) are less than £90 at the moment. Is getting to Stanstead an option for your Dutch compatriots?

Postitatud: 20.10.2005, 00:55
Postitas AleyPat
Wise Old Owls kirjutas: By the way 'Prodigy', I notice also that easyJet flights from London Stanstead to Tallinn (return) are less than £90 at the moment. Is getting to Stanstead an option for your Dutch compatriots?
Stanstead ... Stansted. You say tomayto ... I say tomahto ... You say Potayto .. I say potahto :D
What's the difference???

Sorry Owl, just a unique chance to ask the correct spelling / pronounciation to a native speaker ? No offence!

Postitatud: 22.10.2005, 15:11
Postitas Wise Old Owls
No offence taken.

I'm a poor speller, especially of 'English' place names. Trouble is, England was a medieval melting-pot and we have lots of strange spellings. Nottingham derives from the Viking name Snottingham - meaning Snot's farm - yeuch! I live close to Pontefract (French 'broken bridge'). Then there's Knutsford - from Canute's ford. Not far from me is the town of Keighly - pronounced Keith-lee! Then "dahn sarf" (I live "eup north lad!") there's Chalmondeley - pronounced 'Chumlee'. Great eh!

Then again, you want to try and spell Welsh place-names!!! :wink:

Postitatud: 01.11.2005, 10:05
Postitas arko
Due to great interest we decided to chance the system of the individual game a bit. We allow a maximum of 160 players (currently 150) in groups of five. After the first round, the fifth player with the worst result will be dropped to a large group at the bottom of the table, the first 128 will continue playing according to the system.

Postitatud: 01.11.2005, 12:39
Postitas arko
The Norwegian Trond Brastad is looking for a doubles partner. If anyone is interested, please post a reply to this message.

Let's quiz!

Postitatud: 01.11.2005, 19:13
Postitas Jaan Lomp
I have in my team for the Doubles EC one free place and in my team Fair Play Fan Club for VIII Aare Sirel Memorial three free places. I am waiting for the proposals for the quizzing in my teams, each proposal makes me great joy. I am very grateful for each proposal. Please answer me to Jaan.Lomp.002@mail.ee or to this forum. I am waiting for the calls to the phone number +3727488807 or to the cell phone number +37255905401. I know geography very good, my knowledges in history and policy and in some areas of sport and literature are good.

Postitatud: 02.11.2005, 20:27
Postitas arko
The teams participating in International matches are as follows:

Estonian WQC Team: Indrek Salis, Ove Põder, Lauri Naber, Tiit Naarits
Estonian Champions Team: Jaan Allik, Andres Pulver, Matis Song, Alar Särgava?
Norway A: Ole Martin Halck (capt), Tore Dahl, Trine Aalborg, Trond Brastad
Norway B: Christian Flermoe, Mats Bergstrøm, Trond Brastad, Vibeke Lingås
Finland: Heikki-Pekka Miettinen, Jari-Pekka Vuorela, Jussi Suvanto, Lauri Ranta
England A: Kevin Ashman (capt), Pat Gibson, David Stainer, Barry Simmons
Young England: Nick Mills, Ian Bayley, Olav Bjortomt, Nic Paul
Wales: Mark Labbett, Dag Griffiths, Richard Parnell, Sean O'Neill
Belgium A: Nico Pattyn (capt), Erik Derycke, Jo Vandenbroucke, Patrick Andries
Belgium B: Marnix Baes (capt), Lieven Vandenbrande, Leo De Haes, Lars Van Moer.

Rest of Europe: Derk de Graaf (Holland), Dorjana Sirola (Croatia), Phil Smith (Ireland) and Stuart Solomons (Lithuania/Latvia)

Postitatud: 02.11.2005, 20:40
Postitas polt
In Estonian Champions team Alar Särgava can`t play, Margus Maiste is new team member.

Postitatud: 03.11.2005, 15:20
Postitas Innocentius XIV
The personal numbers of participants of the individual game on Saturday morning have been raffled off just now. The participants are placed in Round 1 as follows. The double personal number (in the range 1...32) indicates that this person has been placed in accordance with his result in Gent 2004. x1...x3 mean blank places.

Table No. Personal No.
1 Kevin Ashman GBR 1 1
1 Ilmar Trull EST 33
1 Karel Simons BEL 65
1 Vallo Kask EST 97
1 Matis Song EST 129
2 Rauno Pärnits EST 31 31
2 Vibeke Stang-Lingås NOR 34
2 Eddy De Hond BEL 66
2 Toomas Lokk EST 98
2 Ingrid Verhelst BEL 130
3 Tom Trogh BEL 21 21
3 Stuart Solomons GBR 35
3 x3 67
3 Urmas Kukk EST 99
3 Jevgeni Nurmla EST 131
4 Marnix Baes BEL 9 9
4 Kaido Lasn EST 36
4 Jaan Usin EST 68
4 Jaan Lomp EST 100
4 Jason Dowding GBR 132
5 Paul Arts BEL 13 13
5 Hugo Tang EST 37
5 Michael Wrozyna GBR 69
5 Lauri Ranta FIN 101
5 Phil Smith GBR 133
6 Tiit Naarits EST 19 19
6 Igor Habal EST 38
6 Bruno Depauw BEL 70
6 John Dyer GBR 102
6 Karl Vanheuverbeke BEL 134
7 Derk de Graaf NED 27 27
7 Timothy Pearce GBR 39
7 Kalev Mäesalu EST 71
7 Margus Maiste EST 103
7 Bart Permentier BEL 135
8 Erik Derycke BEL 7 7
8 Madis Replik EST 40
8 Kurt Keymolen BEL 72
8 Aivar Õepa EST 104
8 Taivo Rist EST 136
9 Ove Põder EST 5 5
9 Tim Westcott GBR 41
9 Rein Laumets EST 73
9 Andres Kasesalu EST 105
9 Albert November BEL 137
10 Jussi Suvanto FIN 17 17
10 Ted Phillips GBR 42
10 Timo Tarve EST 74
10 Mehis Priks EST 106
10 Jaan Loide EST 138
11 Trine Aalborg NOR 25 25
11 Anne-Malle Hallik EST 43
11 Chris Jones GBR 75
11 Trond Brastad NOR 107
11 Raivo Raigna EST 139
12 Lieven Van den Brande BEL 11 11
12 Siim Laurend EST 44
12 Beth Maclure GBR 76
12 Eero Loonurm EST 108
12 Lee Wrozyna GBR 140
13 Olav Bjortomt GBR 15 15
13 Kaisa Kukk EST 45
13 Tõnu Talve EST 77
13 Eik Sagen EST 109
13 Peeter-Erik Kubo EST 141
14 Barbara Thompson GBR 23 23
14 Chris Braxel BEL 46
14 Andrew Teale GBR 78
14 Eda Post EST 110
14 Richard Parnell GBR 142
15 Patrick Andries BEL 29 29
15 Alvar Niglas EST 47
15 Keith Andrew GBR 79
15 Rein Põder EST 111
15 CJ De Mooi GBR 143
16 Nico Pattyn BEL 3 3
16 Dieter Shutt BEL 48
16 x1 80
16 Harras Madar EST 112
16 Jaanus Ruusmann EST 144
17 Dorjana Sirola GBR 4 4
17 Dieter Vanheuverbeke BEL 49
17 Audrey Doyle GBR 81
17 Mihkel Lasn EST 113
17 Ülo Viller EST 145
18 Sean O'Neill GBR 30 30
18 Luc Venstermans BEL 50
18 Aksor Koit EST 82
18 Tõnis Poom EST 114
18 Nic Paul GBR 146
19 Jaan Allik EST 24 24
19 Jamie Dodding GBR 51
19 Christian Haugen-Flermoe NOR 83
19 Gerry Keay GBR 115
19 Den Fisk GBR 147
20 Barry Simmons GBR 16 16
20 Paul Trewick GBR 52
20 Leo De Haes BEL 84
20 Paul Emerson GBR 116
20 Mark James GBR 148
21 Jo Vandenbroucke BEL 12 12
21 Alar Särgava EST 53
21 Kalmer Männik EST 85
21 Truls Flatberg NOR 117
21 Mats Bergstrøm NOR 149
22 Chris Quinn GBR 26 26
22 Tauno Vahter EST 54
22 Veiko Tonts EST 86
22 Johan Vander Elst BEL 118
22 Kathryn Johnson GBR 150
23 Mark Bytheway GBR 18 18
23 Ronny Swiggers BEL 55
23 Eric Kilby GBR 87
23 Rein Maidla EST 119
23 Toivo Piik EST 151
24 Lauri Naber EST 6 6
24 Jim Smalley GBR 56
24 Tony Gold GBR 88
24 Jari-Pekka Vuorela FIN 120
24 Vello Tõnso EST 152
25 Ian Bayley GBR 8 8
25 Tuomas Tumi FIN 57
25 Hannes Leidla EST 89
25 Illar Tõnisson EST 121
25 Heikki-Pekka Miettinen FIN 153
26 Andres Pulver EST 28 28
26 x2 58
26 Chris Lemahieu BEL 90
26 Steven De Ceuster BEL 122
26 Alar Tiidt EST 154
27 Ole Martin Halck NOR 20 20
27 Trevor Parry GBR 59
27 Marek Kuub EST 91
27 Andres Hurt EST 123
27 Rein Hiob EST 155
28 David Stainer GBR 14 14
28 Aleksis Pekkalin FIN 60
28 Martti Suurorg EST 92
28 Toby Cox GBR 124
28 Erik Hemelaers BEL 156
29 Nick Mills GBR 10 10
29 Steven Dodding GBR 61
29 Lyndon Clarke GBR 93
29 Dave Taylor GBR 125
29 Tore Dahl NOR 157
30 Indrek Salis EST 22 22
30 Mark Kerr GBR 62
30 Gill Keay GBR 94
30 Liivia Lohk EST 126
30 Erki Lepik EST 158
31 Brian Wilkins GBR 32 32
31 Alun Thomas GBR 63
31 Peter Vollebergh BEL 95
31 Pertti Alanen FIN 127
31 Emmanuel Lerno BEL 159
32 Pat Gibson GBR 2 2
32 Stephen Draycott GBR 64
32 Mark Labbett GBR 96
32 Ilmar Lumiste EST 128
32 Lars Van Moer BEL 160

Great thanks

Postitatud: 06.11.2005, 17:27
Postitas Jaan Lomp, Estonia
Very great thanks for the organisers and participants of the Quizzing EC in Tallinn! Yours sincerely Jaan Lomp, Tartu, Estonia

Postitatud: 10.11.2005, 12:16
Postitas Nico
I would like to thank the Estonians for the very nice experience of quizzing in Estonia.

The questions were sometimes very tough (if not almost impossible for us, Belgian quizzers), but I have heard a lot of very nice questions. It was also a confrontation with the fact that, although we may know a lot about some things, we know almost nothing about other things, such like classical music of Eastern Europe, national anthems...

The Estonian national team was very strong - they could have beaten us too. And Tallinn is a nice and beautiful city - it even looks better in the book I've taken home about Old Tallinn. 8)

Hear, hear Nico!

Postitatud: 12.11.2005, 14:46
Postitas Wise Old Owls
It was simply the best quiz event I have ever been to, and added to this Tallinn was magical, the food great, and the company unsurpassed.

Thank you Arko, and thank you Estonians!

P.S. Thanks also to Tauno for looking after us Brits at FC Levadia on the Sunday.

Return trip to Tallinn a definite possibility ...

Postitatud: 28.01.2006, 02:14
Postitas Wise Old Owls
Given England and Estonia have been drawn in the same qualifying group for Euro2008, I'm investigating a possible outing for British quizzers in Tallinn - see here.

Postitatud: 28.01.2006, 10:49
Postitas arko
Great news! You're most welcome here. We would certainly look forward to another quiz match with England.