60. leht 513-st

Postitatud: 03.06.2005, 16:01
Postitas holte
Küsib nii nati veidras sõnastuses, et kes läbis
kõige kiiremini seekordse Tartu rattaralli
133 km-se peadistantsi? Et välistada mingid
kohtunike autod - talle mõõdeti aega ikka ka :)

Postitatud: 03.06.2005, 18:24
Postitas jutajass
Nõlvak oli see kondliga vend vist

Postitatud: 03.06.2005, 19:11
Postitas holte
Nõlvak gondeldas ees jah. :arrow:

Postitatud: 03.06.2005, 19:42
Postitas jutajass
Ateena OMil osales esmakordselt 2 riiki.Millised?

Postitatud: 03.06.2005, 20:04
Postitas Matis
Üks oli kindlasti Ida-Timor, kas teine ei olnud Kiribati?

Postitatud: 05.06.2005, 13:58
Postitas jutajass
Matis :arrow:

Postitatud: 05.06.2005, 20:03
Postitas Matis

Postitatud: 06.06.2005, 10:38
Postitas aadu
Suusahüppaja tundub olevat. Jani Soininen äkki?

Postitatud: 06.06.2005, 11:10
Postitas Matis
Soininen ta on. Kirjutasin ta spordist lahkumise kohta omal ajal SLÕL nupu
Aadu :arrow:

Postitatud: 06.06.2005, 11:46
Postitas aadu
Sorry, võõrkeelne küsimus. Kelle kohta käivad alljärgnevad ütlused?
If ... were in the army, we would've caught Osama Bin Laden and killed every terrorist on this earth by now.
... is the pinnacle of human design.
God created ... in his likeness, and only him. The rest of us are modelled after God's hairdresser.
... can fly faster than a F* 22 Raptor.
... has also won numerous titles in various other sports and baking competitions.
.... can heal cripples, though he does this only so they can feel him raping them.
If you whisper .... name 3 times, you feel a burning sensation in your anus for a few days.
... could bake a better Christmas ham than Martha Stewart.
... is not even a physical entity. He's actually the combined aura of all things awesome in the world, compacted into one visual aid so that we could witness the world's collective energy.

Postitatud: 06.06.2005, 23:35
Postitas pedastik
... once beat Kobiyashi in a hot dog eating contest

All of Tom Hanks' movies are being re-filmed starring ...

... once asked God "I want you to punch me in the face as hard as you can" and lived to laugh about it

Postitatud: 07.06.2005, 09:52
Postitas arko

Postitatud: 07.06.2005, 09:57
Postitas aadu
Maailmakuulus sportlane. Võistkondlik ala.

Postitatud: 07.06.2005, 10:04
Postitas allium

Postitatud: 07.06.2005, 10:05
Postitas aadu
Õige ala, vale mees